Central Texas Tournament News


Forty-five boats were released at the launch and forty-five returned safely. The wind was too brisk to have a proper safety statement. Safety is always a concern, but its relevance has become heightened over recent weeks. Boaters have witnessed others driving without their life jackets and operating in the dark without their lights on. At the launch, we have seen on several occasions boat numbers called and as many as three boats launching at the same time. Boat numbers are called for the reason of safety. When boats are in close proximity of each other at a high rate of speed, this is not bringing safety to the forefront of the event. Fishing is not worth fatality!

It is time to reevaluate your stance on what is proper. WE can only do our best to ensure that our anglers enjoy their selves in a safe way. It is the ANGLER’S RESPONSIBILITY to obeyed by the rules and regulations.

The winners were Daniel Barnes and Billy Ford with 21.19lbs. including Big Bass of the evening of 8.58lbs. Second Place: Ed Holloway (subbing for Randy Fleeman) and Chris Miller with 17.65lbs. Third Place was Dexter Thompson and Craig Gilbert with 16.65lbs.

The launch started out windy, 15-20 mph. out of the North, but died down by eight o’clock. Air temp was 65 and sunny but dropped down to 53 by weigh-in time.

The Weekly Drawing of $200 was won by Andrew Eads. It was rolled over from the previous week since no one won.